Sunday, December 31, 2006

this morning I gave a rawhide retriever roll to each dog. As usual Ayla wants somebody elses instead of just chewing hers. So she abandoned hers to check out what Nanuk has.

Now, I have to say she messes with him all the time when he has anything he finds worthy chewing, she will just tease him and tease him and she revels in getting some emotions out of him as tells her to leave him alone.

Friday, December 29, 2006

My playful duo always finds something to entertain themselves with. The little ball was no exception. Kobi knows how to get Ayla interested "Look what I got" he seems to say and "it's mine and you can't have it".

Well, Ayla doesn't take no for an answer, so when he held it right in front of her she grabbed it and just held up her head, Kobi tried to hang on, but after some time of trying to get the ball back he had to let go.

Of course that wasn't the end of it. Being a terrier, Kobi wasn't just going to give up the ball for good, so a game of tackle ensued. The ball was dropped for the meantime, and before Ayla knew

Ayla on the job,
a few days ago I came home and as I drove down our little road I saw Ayla sitting on top of the dirt mound on the corner of our property. This time I had a camera with me, so I could get a few shots of her from outside the fence. When I planned the layout of this property I had included a dirt hill like this in my plans as my Simba used to like to sit on top of hills to observe. Unfortunately by the time we moved here she only lived a few more months and wasn't really interested in climbing hills anymore.

Monday, December 25, 2006
We didn't really do anything particularly special today, but then, I really enjoy just hanging out at home, taking the dogs for a walk, having dinner with my husband and working on some projects. So here are few pictures that I took in the last few days that show my dogs and what they do for fun.
Leydi on our Christmas Day walk, this is about a mile from our house, isn't the scenery pretty?
Ayla has this habit of getting up on the couch,then she sits and lets herself fall back against the back of the couch. What can I say, she likes her creature comforts.
Nanuk loves snow, we don't get a lot of snow here other than in the mountains, so we go where the snow is a few times every winter, so he can frolic a little bit in the cold white stuff, he also always has to munch some snow.
At home, they keep an eye on the neighborhood. The ravens seem to enjoy teasing the dogs sometimes, so the dogs keep a close eye on them.
Zazou the senior Pyr and Kobi taking a nap on our new doggie blankets.
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ayla sure knows how to have fun. When she gets up in the morning she is already looking for who she can get interested in the first game of chase of the day.
Since it has been rather cold these days, her usual sidekick Kobi isn't all that crazy about going outside, he makes a quick round to do his business, but then returns to the couch until the sun comes out.

I had pulled this piece of foam out of the dog house to get rid of it, because Leydi had dug a crater into it. But before I got a chance to take it away, Ayla discovered that the mattress fit her little butt perfectly and she decided to take a nap on it. This little girl never misses a chance to
find herself a comfy spot.

Update: the next day I put the piece of foam on top of the dog house, Ayla took one look and settled right down on it, carefully putting her butt into the "butt-crater".

today I treated Nanuk, Ayla and myself to a little trip to Cold Creek. I just wanted to get a little closer to the snow and visit an area that I find rather beautiful, it's at about 6000 feet elevation with breathtaking views into the valley that is between these mountains and the Desert National Wildlife refuge.

It's hard to imagine that they find enough to eat in this terrain, I have seen them eat away the yoshua trees, now anybody who has ever touched one of those trees knows how tough they are.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ayla supervising the placement of a fence post
Ayla is rather curious, so when her new friend Andy dug a hole with the post digging tool she had to investigate what was happening. She is pretty good at digging holes herself, so I think she was curious to check out the competition.

After todays job was done, Ayla propped herself up on the porch to keep an eye on the neighborhood.

Out for a walk with Leydi
Leydi and I went out for a walk in the nearby desert this afternoon just before sunset. The mountains look so pretty after we got some more snow last Sunday. The first picture shows her telling me to hurry up. She is quite the talker and will make all kinds of funny noises "rerwow" when she gets excited or wants something. In this case she wasn't very patient with me wanting to take pics of her, so she sat down and complained about the holdup.

She is really great to take for a walk, she used to pull and dive after bunnies, so I tried a pinch collar on her as all the yanking was really hurting my joints. I only had to use it one day on a walk. For some reason this made it clear to her that it wasn't a good idea to hit the end of the leash and keep yanking on it.

My beautiful girl with snow covered Mt. Charleston in the background.
Friday, December 08, 2006

Kobi's birthday was December the first, this was his second birthday. I am running a little behind with posting, but I think better late than never. Kobi is such a fun dog to have around. A lot of people will ask if my terrier is hyper. And really he is not hyper. He is high energy, but if I sit on the computer he will just curl up on the couch and snooze. He can often be found curling up with his best buddies Ayla and Leydi the Anatolians.

The third picture shows him keeping me company when I am working on my new kennel building. He is a true companion, he usually stays close to where I am. I thought it was really cute how he lies down with his front on the door step.

he will grab the end of it and carry it around.