Saturday, April 14, 2007
Saturday's Visitors,
Leydi absolutely enjoys getting some attention from visitors, here is Leydi getting some hugs from my friend Cheri. Now the guys who came after Cheri left to measure the window made comments such as "I bet you don't have to worry about any intruders" when all my LGDs were at the fence barking at them when I opened the gate for the contractors. Those two guys made sure to keep their distance from the fence. This is what I really love about my Anatolians, they know the difference between a friendly visitor and somebody who doesn't belong here, both two-legged or four-legged ones. 
Zipper, the other little Jack Russell Terrier in the pictures, was originally my dog, I had adopted him from a rescue, but he was not good with my two male Great Pyrenees, he went after Zazou who was terrified of Zipper after that, Cheri liked Zipper, so she took him and he has lived with her for over a year now. He is quite a challenge, but a sweet and fun little dog. Kobi and Zipper met for the first time today, and they got along quite well. Both love to play with the garden hose, and since Cheri's German Shepherd Keira is also crazy about it, we had 3 dogs playing with the water. The first picture actually caught them all at the moment the water was turned off, Kobi started barking, Zipper was complaining too, only Keira remained quiet knowing that good behavior usually pays off.
It's really funny to watch these dogs playing with the water, none of my other dogs want to have anything to do with the hose. Ayla usually comes along when I water something, but she doesn't wan
t to get any water on her.
Kobi and Zipper were taking turns bi
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Ayla practicing the "Regal Look",
These two girls like to hang out together, and Nanuk must think he is the luckiest dog around, having two young girls hanging out with him who treat him like a prince. The 3 of them usually romp around and play together, and Nanuk who will be 6 this summer acts all goofy. It is so nice to have dogs that enjoy each others company.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
More on the chicks,
Ayla has been very good about the chicks, she wants to go and check on them several times a day and today decided to sit close to them for a while. I don't have any pics of Leydi and the chicks yet, but she has also been great, when I held one for her to sniff, she came close with her nose but then just sat down and had a very excited look on her face. Have to try and take some pictures of her too.

The chick peeking out from the new door is one of the Buff Orpingtons. They are a beautiful peach-cream color.
The next one is a Delaware, her name is Bianca. The other Delaware's name is Pearl.
This one is an Ameraucana, and she is the fluffier one of the two, one has a lighter brown stripe on the back and this one has a dark brown stripe. She is just too cute. I haven't decided on a name for all of them yet.
The next one is a group photo that shows one of each of the breeds I have.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
we had more visitors today, Lauren an 8 month old mixed breed puppy came to visit with her parents Lynn and Ira. She only weighs 10 lbs and is all fluffy. Ayla was quite casual about Lauren. She was more interested in Lauren's dad. She was most happy to hang out on the couch with him and to get his attention. 
Don't these two just look like they are having a good time? They both have a big smile on their face.By the time Leydi got to meet Lauren it was already quite hot outside and nobody was interested in playing anymore. Everybody just wanted to hang out in the shade.
The Chickens have arrived,
today we got our baby chicks, 2 of each breed, Delaware, Buff Orpington, Ameraucana, Barred Leghorn and Golden Campine. They will soon have a name each and I will be posting most of my chicken pictures on my new chicken blog. The chicks arrived 2 hours ago and Ayla had that look on her face like she wanted to meet the babies, so I let her in the room. The little black chick came nose to nose with her several times and then some of the others came to check out that big black nose too. Ayla did very well, she just held her nose still.
The second picture shows one of the Ameraucana chicks that is fluffier than the others in the picture, then the two buff Orpingtons with the golden color and the two black chicks are supposed to be the Golden Campines.
The next picture is of one of the Delawares, they grow up to be white with some black barring on the neck and tail mostly. What's interesting is that by now I can pretty much keep them all apart, when I picked them out at the store I looked for the ones that were eating and drinking and next I looked for that the two I chose of each breed would look a little different so I could keep them apart easier. 
The last one is a little barred Leghorn
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Zazou, the Lion King,
I decided to clip Zazou's coat today, when it would get warm in the house he was panting quite a bit and his coat is long and thick and stands out in all directions. I didn't want to cut it all off yet, so he is sporting a lion cut for now. He seemed quite happy to let go of all that fur. Out for a walk he was in explorer mode.