Wednesday, April 04, 2007
The Chickens have arrived,
today we got our baby chicks, 2 of each breed, Delaware, Buff Orpington, Ameraucana, Barred Leghorn and Golden Campine. They will soon have a name each and I will be posting most of my chicken pictures on my new chicken blog. The chicks arrived 2 hours ago and Ayla had that look on her face like she wanted to meet the babies, so I let her in the room. The little black chick came nose to nose with her several times and then some of the others came to check out that big black nose too. Ayla did very well, she just held her nose still.
The second picture shows one of the Ameraucana chicks that is fluffier than the others in the picture, then the two buff Orpingtons with the golden color and the two black chicks are supposed to be the Golden Campines.
The next picture is of one of the Delawares, they grow up to be white with some black barring on the neck and tail mostly. What's interesting is that by now I can pretty much keep them all apart, when I picked them out at the store I looked for the ones that were eating and drinking and next I looked for that the two I chose of each breed would look a little different so I could keep them apart easier. 
The last one is a little barred Leghorn