Saturday, April 07, 2007
More on the chicks,
Ayla has been very good about the chicks, she wants to go and check on them several times a day and today decided to sit close to them for a while. I don't have any pics of Leydi and the chicks yet, but she has also been great, when I held one for her to sniff, she came close with her nose but then just sat down and had a very excited look on her face. Have to try and take some pictures of her too.

The chick peeking out from the new door is one of the Buff Orpingtons. They are a beautiful peach-cream color.
The next one is a Delaware, her name is Bianca. The other Delaware's name is Pearl.
This one is an Ameraucana, and she is the fluffier one of the two, one has a lighter brown stripe on the back and this one has a dark brown stripe. She is just too cute. I haven't decided on a name for all of them yet.
The next one is a group photo that shows one of each of the breeds I have.
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Chicks are the cutest things! I can't wait to see the pics as they grow up. My mixed crew are all growing up to be white leghorn-looking youngsters, with leghorn independence.
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