Sunday, August 21, 2011
Shopping Trip into Las Vegas,
Every 6 to 8 weeks I make a trip into Las Vegas to Costco to stock up on dog food and other items. From our house to Costco it takes just under 1 1/2 hours. It is a very scenic trip once I leave our little town behind. It takes me alongside the mountain range that we see from our house, with miles and miles of views of the open desert and the mountains on the other side. Then the trip takes me over the pass at Mt Potosi which is around 6000 feet, once I am over the pass it goes downhill on Blue Diamond Road with beautiful views of the Red Rock Canyon area. To get to Costco, I take the scenic Road through Red Rock Canyon as the Costco is just 5 minutes outside that area. None of those pictures were actually taken today, but I did see a few of the wild burros and it was as beautiful as ever.
Burros on the roadside. This is the road that goes through Red Rock Canyon National Preservation Area. Those same burros I actually saw today as I recognized this little group of a very dark male, a young male and a female, probably his mother. I took this and the next picture 6 weeks ago
A Jolla cactus
Nanuk next to a barrel cactus
Globe mallows in bloom
Close up of Globe Mallows.
I am not sure but I believe these are called Desert Anemone
Burros browsing along the roadside
Burro hidden in the bushes
Mother and youngster in winter coat. The ones I saw today had a beautiful shiny sommer coat. Makes me wonder how they have such a sleek, shiny coat with nobody brushing them or feeding them anything special.
Years ago I was hiking alone in this area and out of nowhere a herd of burros appeared and I was quite surrounded by burros who looked at me rather demanding for food. I never feed burros and I didn't carry anything with me that I could have given them, I couldn't leave as they where all around me, so I picked up a few rocks and threw them away from me in the opposite direction of where I needed to go, they all headed for the rocks hoping I had tossed them some goodies, and I headed quickly the other way.
Every 6 to 8 weeks I make a trip into Las Vegas to Costco to stock up on dog food and other items. From our house to Costco it takes just under 1 1/2 hours. It is a very scenic trip once I leave our little town behind. It takes me alongside the mountain range that we see from our house, with miles and miles of views of the open desert and the mountains on the other side. Then the trip takes me over the pass at Mt Potosi which is around 6000 feet, once I am over the pass it goes downhill on Blue Diamond Road with beautiful views of the Red Rock Canyon area. To get to Costco, I take the scenic Road through Red Rock Canyon as the Costco is just 5 minutes outside that area. None of those pictures were actually taken today, but I did see a few of the wild burros and it was as beautiful as ever.