Sunday, January 16, 2011
Coyote and snow pictures # 2,

Another shot of our beautiful Mt Charleston
Our road, this is what I look at every day when I come home from work
low clouds in the foothills
Cici out for a walk
A pretty rock I found. Now here is the story behind it. Where I often walk my dogs there are usually no cars, but on that day there was a car coming up on one end, so I veered off and went a slightly different route, then they came my way again, so I was a bit p.......d off that I couldn't have a walk without these people driving around disturbing my walk, so as I was walking across the desert to avoid the car, I came across this rock. It calmed my anger about the people disturbing our walk, I wouldn't have found this rock if I didn't have to take a hike through this part of the desert because of those people.
On another walk with Nanuk and Ayla I spotted this coyote. It was actually pretty close, maybe 80 feet from us when I first noticed it. The only reason the dogs didn't notice was that I actually stopped walking before I even noticed the coyote and the dogs looked at me to figure out why I stopped, in that moment the coyote popped out of the bushes and headed away from us, I tried to keep the dogs focused on me because I wanted to take a picture of the coyote and didn't want the dogs to go crazy, but by the time I got the camera ready to shot it had already moved way out and at that point the dogs saw it too.
Here is another shot of wild canine. A couple months ago I was driving and saw some coyotes running across the street, I drove to where I saw them to get a closer look when I noticed it was two coyotes chasing a rabbit. As I came closer the rabbit ran across the street right in front of me. Another car came from the other direction, the coyotes stopped to let the car go by (pretty smart), then ran across the road to continue their chase, of course the rabbit was nowhere to be seen. The coyotes stopped and looked my way. That look said it all "those darn cars cost us our breakfast".
Ayla and Nanuk observing the coyote
they were standing there for about 5 minutes watching, I couldn't see the coyote anymore, I have no idea if they still saw it or where just keeping an eye on where they last saw it
Ayla, almost 5 1/2 years old, time goes by too fast
Nanuk, drooling

chicken in the snow
these were some more pics in the snow, taken the same day as the other snow pictures right after New Year. Prince and Sammie playing

Sam wrinkles her nose, the lip curls slightly
more nose wrinkling and lip curling from Sammie as Prince is pushing her buttons
now her hackles are up, she is ready to pretend she is mad
she gives him the look
and there is sweet little Sammie looking like she is mad
Another shot of our beautiful Mt Charleston