Sunday, May 16, 2010
Critter stories,

When my chickens have the run of the property and I come outside they usually all come running in the hope for treats. Doesn't matter how much good stuff to eat they already have, they are always hoping for something more and better.
two of my Black Jersey Giants, this is the largest breed of chickens and these girls are huge. I still haven't figured out a good way to pick these big girls up, as for one they are not very cooperative and two they are so big I can't get a good hold of them. One of them is a broody maniac who has already gone broody 3 times in the last 6 months.
This is my biggest Buff Orpington, she is a year old, the other one I got at the same time is about half her size.
One of the Barred Rocks cooling down in the wading pool. As it is heating up now, I am setting up several of those in the chicken area. The next 4 months will be very hot and I try to prevent losing any of my chickens to the heat. I have put some cooling pads into the nest boxes that will hopefully prevent them from overheating while they are laying their eggs
all 4 of my Plymoth Barred Rock hens, they look a bit disheveled because the rooster I had did some damage and also the hens get into it with each other sometimes, they should look great after their first molt this coming winter.
size comparison, the two California White pullets in the background are 10 wks old. What's funny is that each year our resident Coach Whip Snake causes quite a stir with the new chicks who haven't seen the snake yet. Just like last year, I came out yesterday and I heard the telltale noise from the pullets that something is not quite right, sure enough, all 5 were standing in front of the snake and being rather unsettle about it. The snake took it in stride and moved on once the chickens left her alone. This is the same snake I have been seeing around here for the last 3 years, it seems to spend the nights under the barn and then comes out and hunts during the day.
this is Chica, my smallish Buff Orpington, she knows I always give her special treats or a extra bowl of treats because for some reason she cannot pick small items that are scattered, she always misses what she is trying to eat, so if there is a bowl of something it's not a problem as even when she misses what she tries to get, if there is enough of it she will get something. She always follows me around in the hope for some extra treats
this is a little Mourning Dove sitting on two eggs that should hatch pretty soon. the only reason I am aware of the nest is that I noticed it when the leaves fell off the tree last fall, my guess is she is returning to the same nest. This tree is in the goat pen, so the little chicks will be pretty safe when they leave the nest.
nice hidden spot
she rarely gets off the nest even when I go and look at her
here she is munching on some nice hay, I am also giving the goats fresh branches as I am trimming some of the trees
Maya likes to dig a little ditch to lay in
resting in the shade
we cleaned out the garage and I wanted to get rid of the old desk, I figured the desk would actually make a nice platform for the goats, the seem to like it and I often find Moqui or Maya sitting on top of it our under it, we bought this desk used about 15 years ago, it's pretty sturdy, lets see how long it lasts outdoors
When my chickens have the run of the property and I come outside they usually all come running in the hope for treats. Doesn't matter how much good stuff to eat they already have, they are always hoping for something more and better.