Friday, January 01, 2010

Farm happenings and puppies are 2 years old,

Maya and Moqui enjoying the warm winter sun

Sam and Millie checking out what's in the bucket.

Sam is such a little doll, I still call her the ballerina because she has such a dancy step to her. She is fast and very agile. When she plays with Prince she often just runs in circles around him like a little puppy. She is such a sweet dog, very affectionate and mild mannered.

Samantha, she was really an experiment as she was so crazy about the chickens as a puppy. She still is, but she has been very sweet and appropriate with them. When I take her with me to see the chickens she is all wiggly and greets them like long-lost friends. She still likes to startle them when she is behind the fence, but when she is close-up with them she never does that.



Group picture: Teddy, Cici, Leydi and Nanuk

Teddy and Nanuk, Teddy continues to pay his respects to Nanuk all the time. He still gets in his face though and blocks Nanuk with his butt. I really need to get a video camera to film these two

Teddy, he is still my handsome boy and such a sweet personality

Leydi, Teddy and Nanuk

The dogs love to hang out on that little hill, Leydi is all sprawled out, Teddy and Cici looking my way

Cici taking it all in


Cici, the little "submissive" manipulator

Cici is starting to have a grown up look. She and her siblings are now 2 years old.
In the background the snow covered mountains. New Years Eve was a full moon and it was beautiful to go outside at night and to see the whole valley and the mountains in the moonlight. It is amazing how bright the moonlight is, something that one cannot appreciate living in the city where it is never really dark. Occasionally if the weather is just right I take Nanuk for a walk in the nearby desert on a moonlit night.


When I took pictures of Cici, Prince walked right in front of her, put himself into a nice pose and gave me this look "hey, why don't you take a picture of ME", too funny

Cici and Prince

I am expanding the chicken area inside the barn and this time I am going to use a ramp for the chickens to get up on their perches as I have a couple that have some limping problem after injuries. that should make it easier for them to get up and down. Here is Pearl checking out the ramp, which I have sitting outside right now to get them used to it. She is always looking for something to eat, so when I am around, she is never far. I am so pleased with her. She had been sick a few months ago and she was sick for quite some time, I had little hope she would make it, but here she is, the picture of health, she lays an egg almost every day now. When before she got sick she hadn't laid any eggs for over a year.

eating some of the sunflower seeds

then she figured there has to be an easier way to get to the sunflower seeds and goes to the low end of the ramp

one leg up

second leg up

here she is, quite pleased with herself, she is quite a character

Leydi, she turned 6 in October and she is doing really well, besides her back problem. She still lies down slowly, but has no problems getting up and running around. She really enjoys playing with her offspring. She invites them to play and after she is done playing with one group, she wants to go to the other side of the property where the other group is and then she plays with them. Last night she refused to come inside despite the temps going below twenty. I checked on her several times during the night each time I asked her if she wants to come in, but no, she wanted to stay outside.

Enya pulls out a sheet of ice of the stock tank, Teddy is licking a piece of ice

Every morning the water buckets have ice in them. I continue to experiment with all sorts of water buckets for the dogs and other critters, this one I got at the hardware store and it said on the bucket that it was food grade quality. I got two of them, so far they have not had any algea grow in them, they are easy to clean as due to their height I can just tip them over easily to empty them. They kept the water pretty cool in the summer and now that it's freezing at night, I just take a hammer in the morning, smash the ice on top then hit the sides of the bucket and then pour our a couple gallons and replace them with hot water, pretty easy to do.

A few clicker training sessions in the chicken yard and Prince got the idea of what's expected of him, I am very pleased with his progress as a chicken guardian

Prince and the chickens

Prince relaxing under the tree in the chicken yard


Teddy and Moqui coming out of the Iglu

Teddy and Millie

I left the wheel barrow in the pen and the goats knocked it over. Then all of a sudden I noticed that Moqui had claimed it as a new elevated resting spot. I have finished sweeping out all the critter pens, now most of the trees have new mulch. I sprayed the goat pen with an enzyme odor remover and it seems to make a difference, I didn't spray the whole pen, so I will spray some more maybe this weekend to cover all areas.

Enya using calming signals, she turns her head away when Maya does her bully thing

More calming signals as Maya is following Enya around

Group picture

Enya uses a lot of playbows with the goats who aren't quite sure what to make of it. Their little shed could use another paint job. Why do goats have to pull off pieces of the boards to make their shed look crummy?

Enya has a lot of respect for Maya who used to butt her, but they have come to an understanding that neither is a threat to the other, Maya loves to push Enya's buttons and Enya enjoys all the action

Maya gives Enya her belligerent look, note her hackles are up . Note the hole in the ground between the dog and the goat? The goats dug that one, they love to sit in it.

"what are we going to do next"?

Enya remembers the butting, she is quick to jump out of the way if it seems like Maya will butt her, which she doesn't do anymore since I used a spray bottle to let Maya know that I did not appreciate her butting my puppies


they go round and round with this

these two are doing this every time they meet

Enya checks out the goat food

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