Saturday, May 09, 2009
Summer heat and staying cool,

We had a little visitor today,
Here I caught the little bunny resting in the shade. They have been pretty bold lately coming on our property, since we have a lot of green stuff growing plus I water usually during the day, so they come to the "oasis". They are so small they jump through the chain link fencing. Sadly the dogs caught and killed one a week ago. Since the body disappeared I am assuming one of them ate it, which means that whoever ate it will probably have tapeworms in a few weeks.
Here is one of my 3 week old Black Jersey Giant chicks, I have them outside during the day as it gets too hot in the garage. Our temperatures have been around 105 lately, so the little chicks won't be cold outside, I actually make sure that misters are on every day and I wet the ground to provide some cooling. Hopefully we will all make it through the summer ahead of us, 105 is really not so bad, it's when the temps go up to 115 to 118 when everybody is struggling.
These chicks look like mini ostriches, they are supposed to get pretty big and all black with a green sheen. I can't wait to see them grow up. These chicks are a lot less active than my other ones were. this is very interesting, I think this breed also comes as a White Jersey Giant, so if they really lay bigger eggs I might get some of the white ones in the future.
These are my two Buff Orpington pullets, they are a little over 2 months old. Over the last 2 weeks I have integrated these young pullets with my existing flock and so far this is going very well. I took a gradual approach as I did in the past. Now I have 20 hens (I am hoping they are all hens) running around, they are quite the crowd. These 2 month olds are like little puppies following me around and crowding around me if they are scared of something. They seem to think I am their mother.
just gotta love those chickens, what nosey little birds they are
one of my 2 month old Barred Rock pullets
The youngsters usually stick together, my oldest hens are two years old now and all but one sleep in the same house at night, however two of my one year olds have recently started to sleep in the same house as the 2 year olds, which of course has created a lot of fighting over the best spots on the perches. One of my 2 year old Delawares was kicked off her spot and she has not tried to go up again for the last 3 days, she doesn't seem to be hurt physically, but she sure isn't trying to go up on the perches anymore, she goes and sits in a corner, so I have been picking her up when it gets dark and put her on the lowest perch so she doesn't sit on the ground.
We had a little visitor today,