Sunday, December 21, 2008
Snow in the Desert,

The dogs were thrilled to wake up to a snow on Dec. 17.
Lots of running in the snow, here are Cici, Prince and Sammie, this is the first time in their life they are seeing snow.
Enya was running lap after lap, grinning and ears flying
Enya wrestles with Nanuk
Enya and Nanuk anjoying a romp in the snow, Nanuk grew up in Vermont, so he is usually very happy to see some snow when we go somewhere in the winter
Enya loves to eat, when Nanuk was eating the snow she was trying to figure out what it was he is eating, it was quite a puzzlement for her that he kept eating something and she couldn't figure out what it was.
Nanuk was happy to have a playmate to romp in the snow, here is has a big smile on his face
Ayla, Enya and Teddy playing
here they all race around
The chickens were not thrilled about the mess, this picture shows the snow piling up on the bird netting I have over their coop, I didn't even realize that it was the netting that had the snow on top of it, I thought it was the shade cloth.
Lucy is peaking out at the snow,
Cici in the foreground, Sammie in the back
another picture of Sammie looking quite thoughful
Prince, Cici and Sammie sticking their heads together
Sammie enjoying the snow, most of these pictures were taken at sunrise, so that's why everything looks rather dark, as soon as the sun came up the snow started to melt
The dogs were thrilled to wake up to a snow on Dec. 17.