Monday, October 20, 2008
Puppies 10 months old and their friends,

Teddy checking out the goats and Moqui checking out Teddy
Maya lets Teddy sniff her butt
The goats have really gotten used to having dogs amongst them, that makes introductions a lot easier.
Maya letting Teddy know to watch out, she butted him into a fence when he was a young puppy. It happened so fast I wasn't able to intervene. She must have bruised him pretty good as he wasn't holding his tail up for a whole week.
Teddy seems to remember to be careful around Maya
He walks away from the feisty little doe
And comes back a different route, maybe he thinks they will let him through if he walks along the wall
He was quite happy hanging out in the goat pen
Enya with the free-ranging chickens
one of my 6 month old pullets,

Zazou sitting on one of the dog cots, if they would make them bigger I think all the dogs would used them, but they are a little bit too small for the really big guys
here we were working on re-introduction of Sammie and Enya, they got into a fight when they were about 4 months old and I keep them separate as it really seems like they are having a personality conflict, each of them otherwise gets along with everybody else around here, in this picture they are both avoiding to look at each other, as long as they pretend to ignore each other, they won't have to do anything about being so close together without a fence
Then she takes a sniff at Enya who isn't so sure about it, she lied down, I am assuming in an act of wanting to appear non-threatening
Sammie looks into the distance while Enya moves her head towards her
Enya licks Sammies chin
Sammie sniffs a much more relaxed Enya
"how am I doing"
so then we walked them around for a bit, first with somebody between them
then both next to each other
here they are enjoying the pool together, this went really well
Nanuk is all dusty, he drools and then when his chest and front legs are full of drool he gets the dirt caked onto it, there is just no way to keep him looking well-groomed and white, he is 7 1/2 years old now, and he enjoys getting some attention
so he rolls on his back and wiggles,
then he wiggles some more
what about having the ears look like they are standing up?
A pile of dogs ready to play
Enya and Ayla get along great, Ayla used to be "top dog" in that relationship until Enya got bigger than Ayla, then one day Enya told Ayla in no uncertain terms that from now on she will be respected, Ayla was pouting for a few hours, but since then they have gotten along great and enjoy lots of racing around and wrestling with each other
Everybody take a bite at Enya
Enya loves to wrestle, she and Cici get along great so far
What's Ayla up to now, stepping over Teddy who isn't quite sure what's happening

Ayla is really trying all her little tricks to get Teddy to play along, but he looks the other way. He is very submissive and Ayla is quite the bully, so Teddy isn't going to take a chance on making a move unless he really thinks it's safe to do so.
Ayla is about to give up and ready to move on.
Two red girls, Cici and Enya
The boys, Teddy and his big buddy Nanuk
Ayla trying to figure out how she can get my attention
So she tries one paw over the face
Then she does the two paw over the nose, her command for that is "cutie pie"
another angle of her covering up her face
here she peaks at me to see if I am still paying attention, she is too funny
Sammie's first trip inside the goat pen, note the black goat in the middle looking at me, she is like a little dog always looking at me, I think she does it because she trusts I make sure the dogs won't hurt anybody
Sammie trying out the water container in the goat pen with one foot
Then she puts in the second one, I had actually just changed the water prior to bringing Sammie in, so now I had to do it again so the goats would have clean water
Who said Anatolians dig holes to sit in? My goats have turned their pen into a crater landscape
the first few minutes I left a leash on, just to be safe
Look at the markings on Milo's head, I have never seen anything like it
interesting isn't it? He is such a sweet little boy, loves to crawl into my lap and also tends to follow me around, he is very affectionate,
Maya and Misty checking out their new doggie friend
Here is another picture of Maya staring at me, she only does that when I bring the dogs in. She is also the one that tries to butt the dogs when they don't expect it, so I sprayed her with water a few times to stop her from doing it.
Sammie sitting next to the chicken yard

Here is the proof that Teddy went to class, actually I took all 4 of my puppies, one time I brought two and then switched halfway through and otherwise I just brought a different one each time, but Teddy went to the last one, because he is the most "obedient" in the class, so he makes me look like I did what I was supposed to. It was a fun class and we hope to take a few more over the winter.
Zazou sitting on one of the dog cots, if they would make them bigger I think all the dogs would used them, but they are a little bit too small for the really big guys
Sammie asks for a pet
both looking away from each other
Ayla sure likes attention, and she tries to find ways to get the boys to pay attention to her, she is not in heat at this time, but she is always up to a little flirt
still goofing around, note that Teddy is acting like he doesn't notice what's going on
But she is quite happy to have some company from her brother
So here they are enjoying the shade together
And it didn't take long before more company arrived and 3 puppies were lined up under the shade of this rather smallish tree, the other trees in the background are actually bigger, but around this one the ground was moist, so that attracted everybody to this spot it seems.
Teddy isn't so sure about his sister Enya checking out his "stuff"
Still not sure why she is checking him out so thoroughly
At last, everybody smiles and agrees that all is well. The puppies seem to become aware of gender differences.

Another shot of Enya, she is quite an impressive girl
Cici looks just like her mommie Leydi
Another picture of Cici from a different angle
Teddy is very good about scanning the airspace for areal predators, we have recently had a hawk fly around here quite regularly, the dogs never seem to miss anything that goes on
Since it has cooled down a bit (80s and 90s instead of 100s and 110s), I have started to clear out some of the weeds that have flourished in some areas. I have piled them up in a corner because I want to burn them after they dry up. This was a windy day and Sammie figured out that the weeds make a good windbreak.
She sits here like in a huge nest of weeds happily chewing on her bone.
Another shot of Enya, she is quite an impressive girl
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Great pictures and interaction. So much body language and expression going on! I'll have to come back later and read the stories that animals are telling. Just awesome. Thanks for all the pics!
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