Sunday, July 20, 2008
Lots of critters and a rainbow,
Ayla seems a little put off that I am not taking so many pictures of her anymore
they are getting very patient with this picture taking business
Nanuk and Cici
Nanuk and Sammie
Another one of my new pullets, this one has a muff, they look so pretty
one of my new pullets, they are almost ready to start laying eggs, they are already starting to check out the nest boxes. this one doesn't have any muffs
Cici chasing Sammie
Sammie chasing Cici
Leydi on her way to the fence line to see what Nanuk is barking at
Picking up speed as she sees what Nanuk is barking at
Sammie taking a bow, she and her sisters have all learned to bow on command, with Enya and Cici I just lured them into position as they did a lot of bowing anyway and that worked fast, luring didn't work for Sammie, so I waited until she offered a bow and clicked that, she gave me a quizzical look. Then I acted all excited and goofy so she got very playful and offered another bow, she got clicked for that too, then I continued with the excitedness and she kept offering me one bow after another, so it was easy to reinforce it.
Group picture, the puppies are getting the idea of this camera pointing at them means to hold still
group photo, Nanuk is my best model, we have been on so many road trips together and me always taking pictures of him, he seems to understand that when I point the camera at him he should look good, afterall, when we are out for walks he wants to keep going and if he doesn't cooperate than taking pictures takes a lot longer
Nanuk who is about 30 inches tall, 115 lbs and Teddy, 29 inches tall, about 85 to 90 lbs right now
Teddy and Nanuk
Cici, Teddy and Nanuk
Zazou enjoying the morning sun, he is getting very weak now, he has a had time getting up and sometimes he loses his balance. I bought a ramp so he could get in and out of the car without me having to lift him, but after her fell off twice because he takes such a wide stance when walking I can't use the ramp
There is still room for two dogs on that couch, luckily it is leather and I can wash it off, which in the summer is quite a useless undertaking as the puppies constantly get their feet wet and then get back up on the couch. And because it is really hot these days, usually around 110 in the shade, I have written up a cleaner house for the summer and let the dogs come inside if they want to. I will never figure out how they know just what the outside temperature is, but as soon as it cools off a little they are all going outside again. I think they dislike being cooped up inside as much as I do
My new goat Misty, she is only 9 months old
And this is my little boy Milo, he name was actually Freckles, but that didn't fit in with all the "M" names, so he had to be re-named
another picture of Milo
The original group, Moqui, Maya her mother and Millie who grew up with Maya
something I really like about the Nigerian Dwarf goats are their colorful coats
Last week we had a wildfire start about a mile from our house, I happened to work in the area and saw it, so went home to keep an eye on things. Luckily the fire rescue came fast and was able to put the fire out. We were lucky that day that it was not very windy, as the wind was blowing directly our way.
Nanuk likes dirty water, on this particular day I had just filled the cooler with fresh water, so Nanuk walked over to the large kiddie pool and drank the dirty water, when I emptied this larger pooled and filled it with fresh water he then walked over to the smaller pool and drank the dirty water from there. What's up with that?
Cici and Enya drinking
A muddy but happy Enya

A rainbow is a rare sight in the desert of Southern Nevada
Here comes Enya with a bone she found somewhere in the yard,
then she goes to the pool,
getting ready to drop it into the water once she drops it into the water she will paw at it and bat it around, pick it up and drop it repeatedly
here she got the bone back out of the water, in order to get it out she had to stick her head under water to above the eyes,
Enya's face that shows that she is wet above the eyes
A rainbow is a rare sight in the desert of Southern Nevada