Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Puppies 18 weeks,
Cici and Samantha on alert, barking at the neighbor who is trying to fix a loose flap on the RV, normally there is nobody walking around on that side of the property, so these young puppies very appropriately barked at the perceived threat. What I find interesting is that the puppies don't bark at a lot of the things the adult dogs bark about, for example cars going by, the puppies seem to not worry about the cars, even when their mother and the other adults bark at them.
Cici standing at the fence barking at the neighbor as mentioned above, she is highly alert to what goes on around us
Enya having her coat ruffled by the wind
my young trees during a recent wind storm
Nanuk having his coat blown by the wind
Kobi acting silly, here he is humping Cici's leg as the puppies are trying to run around
Teddy running and Sammie trying to get a hold of his tail
Enya and Ayla with their ears blowing in the wind
Nanuk and his new trainee
Enya seems to enjoy the company of the two adult dogs
Enya isn't quite sure what Nanuk is doing there rolling around on the ground, I recently shaved his chest and belly because it is getting pretty warm and he still hasn't blown out his winter coat
Enya at 18 weeks old, 63 lbs.
Paw comparison, Enya to the right and Ayla who is 2 1/2 years old on the left
Leydi on the right enjoying a early morning romp with 3 of her puppies
Teddy and Cici on fence patrol

Ayla and Enya
Ayla making sure that Enya knows who is in charge, this shows nicely that it is rarely neccessary that an adult (dominant) dog gets really physical, Enya shows submission when Ayla postures and lifts her lips
Enya lies down and then rolls on her back to expose her belly, while Ayla never even touched her
Ayla allows Enya to put her paw on her head
Enya squeezed herself into this little crate
Enya hanging out with Nanuk, one time when I came outside she was actually lounging on the strawbale behind Nanuk, she must have been working her charm, because Nanuk doesn't usually tolerate such an invasion of his space
she fits in pretty well, sharing guardian duties already
dust wrestling
more dust wrestling
Enya and Ayla having a really good time playing with each other, Ayla has been missing having a constant playmate when Leydi got pregnant last year, so she is really happy to have a new playmate
puppy dog running into a sleepy Nanuk
and getting a lesson in that it's better not to disturb sleeping dogs, what's very interesting to observe is how the adult dogs inhibit their bite, sometimes they just make a lot of noise and put their mouth over the puppy's muzzle without actually making contact, sometimes they actually put their teeth on the puppy but without applying any pressure. It's also interesting to watch the puppies acting very submissive. Howver I watched Enya this morning telling her mother to get her nose out of her food bowl and Leydi retreated. I think it's good for Enya to spend some time with a couple of adult dogs right now, who will keep her in line for a while. I am assuming she will challenge them too once she gets a little older and bigger.
Ayla and Enya