Monday, March 31, 2008

15 weeks old and growing,

The next generation of guardians, I took this picture as all four of the pups took off to bark at something outside the fence
Enya, weighing in at 54 lbs only 15 weeks old, a big dog with a puppy brain

Enya and Cici

Cici enjoying a quiet moment on the couch with Kobi, I bring each puppy into the house for a while on most days

Everybody hold on to their chew toy

Cute huh? Samantha and Teddy.

But actually Samantha is quite a bossy little girl, and she quickly reminded Teddy that while it was okay for her to use his legs as a pillow, it was not okay for him to use her as a pillow

She keeps her head on his paw, while he is trying to figure out where to put his head, one can see the determination on her little face to demand her space, nobody leans or bumps on Sammie girl without her letting them know that this is not appropriate with a little grumble

you can just see the little wheels spinning in her head as she is pushing herself against Teddy who is trying to mind his own business

My globe willow tree in the dog run is sprouting new leaves and the puppies immediately discovered the new shady spot

Sweet Teddy boy

wrestling games, Teddy seems to always be on the bottom of the pile, just a laid back little guy

Teddy again on the bottom and the two girls "harrassing" him, he enjoys it though

Teddy taking it all in stride

Teddy loves to hang out with the adult males, I take him for walks with my intact male Great Pyrenees, here he walks along with Zazou and he loves to play with Kobi

Walking with Zazou, who is really not a "doggie dog", he very rarely gets playful with other dogs, when he first came here he was not sure of other dogs, he was aggressive with Nanuk, scared of little dogs and even puppies. These days he is not scared anymore of new dogs, he has adjusted really well to other dogs, including visiting dogs. Who says that old dogs can't learn new tricks?

Teddy and Zazou

Little Cici exploring the table

look I can get all the way up there

Zazou and the girl puppies

Teddy looking at a raven in the sky, all of the puppies are getting very alert to big birds in the sky

Teddy and Sophie my rooster

Samantha and Sophie the rooster

Sophie and Bella seem to be curious as to what the puppies are eating

When I came out of the house I couldn't see the puppies, as I walked around I noticed that all 4 of them had moved down where the goats are and sat right next to the goats. Seems like they enjoy the company, as they have plenty of other shady spots to choose from and I see them next to the goats a lot.

Kobi the terrier is chewing on a small piece of rawhide, the puppies are hoping to snatch it from him

Enya tries the paw

Enya patiently waiting
getting a little bit closer

Kobi and Enya

Kobi stepped down one step "what are you going to do now" he is asking Enya here

there they go, Enya in hot pursuit of Kobi in the forground

Something got both the chicken's and Samantha's attention and they both looked at that direction at the same time

Sammie and Lucie

Sammie takes a nap in the chicken yard

looking after a big black bird flying over

Sammie hopes the chicken is up for a round of play, she really wants to play with the chickens sometimes, so I am restricting her time in the chicken yard to only very closely supervised visits to reinforce appropriate behavior. This is a little experiment for me, as I think that if playful behavior at this age isn't allowed to be acted on by the puppy, which would be a self reinforcing behavior, that they will outgrow that phase and once it has passed, they should be able to be around the chickens without the desire to play.

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