Thursday, January 31, 2008
7 weeks old,
puppies weigh almost 20 lbs now, they are changing so much, their coat colors, their bodies, one day their legs seem to be short and stubby and the next day their legs look long and skinny, they all know and respond to their names, they are really good about sitting for attention, I can sit down and they will all sit in front of me waiting their turns for treats, I am not using a clicker for this exercise, it teaches them self control, only if they patiently sit and wait their turn do they get a treat, there is no punishment other than the absence of getting a treat for not waiting, but yet everybody is falling in line. It's quite a sight.

I usually do a head count in the evening to make sure everybody is inside, last night when one was missing I looked outside and Panda had taken up her post on the straw bale.
Ayla was out playing with the puppies yesterday, and she just got so excited in between she had to run around in circles at full gallop, that's how excited she was. Too bad the pups can't run that fast yet, I think she was hoping they could all race around together.
Ayla and her little friends
Samantha, Bianca and Teddy
puppies playing in the holes
Dottie is guarding the hole
Grizzly trying to climb out of the hole
Grizzly running, Panda looks like she is trying to get away from him, he doesn't make himself popular with the girls, he has this habit of grabbing their genitals when he wrestles with them, at first I thought it was by accident, but I have seen him go directly for that area and biting down and holding it, so I interfere whenever I see him doing that, gosh it's got to hurt. What a little stinker.
puppies weigh almost 20 lbs now, they are changing so much, their coat colors, their bodies, one day their legs seem to be short and stubby and the next day their legs look long and skinny, they all know and respond to their names, they are really good about sitting for attention, I can sit down and they will all sit in front of me waiting their turns for treats, I am not using a clicker for this exercise, it teaches them self control, only if they patiently sit and wait their turn do they get a treat, there is no punishment other than the absence of getting a treat for not waiting, but yet everybody is falling in line. It's quite a sight.
I usually do a head count in the evening to make sure everybody is inside, last night when one was missing I looked outside and Panda had taken up her post on the straw bale.
Monday, January 28, 2008
6 weeks and 2 days,

Little Cici, I am pretty sure she will be staying here and she will keep her name as this is a name I wanted to use anyway
Cici being playful with Kobi who sneaks in with the puppies whenever he can, he walks around posturing and butt slamming into their faces and the puppies are all fascinated with him
Dottie and Kobi
Panda messing with the roses, her coat is starting to become lighter and more reddish
Grizzly and Tinka playing
Teddy claimed the space under the steps as his, it was funny to watch them all trying to get under there and he wouldn't let anybody else in with him
Teddy coming out from under the steps
Grizzly strutting along
I guess Samantha doesn't like getting her pretty little paws wet, we had some rain overnight and since we have some rare puddles I let the puppies out and explore so they would learn about water on the ground
all the puppies stayed clear of the puddles, we also had our neighbors come by for socialization, the guy was wearing heavy rain boots, a thick parka and a hat, something the puppies hadn't seen before, they really weren't worried, they recognized there was a person under all the gear and came happily over to greet him.
along with the rain we also had some heavy wind, I happened to look outside to see how the wind picked up the agility tunnel and blew it to where it is in the picture, the puppies all looked on as the tunnel flew by, they sat up but nobody panicked. And just in case anybody wonders about all the "junk" in these pictures, all the items are there on purpose to give the puppies a variety of items in their yard to explore and interact with, this includes various empty plastic bottles, blankets hanging over the fence that are blown around and usually end up falling to the ground, knocked over chairs and whatever else comes along.
Little Cici, I am pretty sure she will be staying here and she will keep her name as this is a name I wanted to use anyway
Saturday, January 26, 2008
6 weels old,

Kobi surrounded by his new playmates
the puppies are very intrigued with this dog that makes so much noise and keeps butt slamming them
getting to know each other
Kobi and the pups, look at his paws and legs compared to the puppy's paws and legs right next to his
What a face.
Puppies spilling out in the morning, they have really surprised me this week with wanting to go outside in the mornings as soon as there was some daylight. Now our temps when we get up in the mornings are usually around 22 degrees, so I felt it was too cold until the sun comes up and warms things a litte. But oh boy, at any given time there are several puppies in the mornings who will sit right in front of that patio door and howl and carry on to be let outside.
There are always a few pups that won't come in at night and I have to go outside to get them, in this picture it was all the boys who gathered outside well after dark.
Leydi is watching her offspring, she started disciplining them today, for a while they weren't allowed to nurse or crawl on her, then later today she was lying under a tree and the puppies all over her and she looked quite happy with it. Leydi and the other adult dogs will help teach the puppies over the next few weeks about how to read other dogs' signals and act accordingly. Up until now the puppies could just all barge in and latch onto the milk bar, now she is teaching them to think and look first and to make sure it is okay to come closer and to act politely. Dogs that don't learn those kinds of lessons often get themselves into trouble as adults, no matter how friendly they are, I have seen young dogs racing up to other dogs wanting to play only to receive a very unfriendly reaction from the other dog who doesn't appreciate being tackled like that by a stranger. I have heard owners say "he just wants to say hello", well, that may be true, but it's the equivalent of a human walking around in the mall flinging themselves at strangers hugging and kissing them. I think most of us wouldn't appreciate that either.
From me the puppies are learning to sit for attention which they are very good about, they also don't get attention for putting their paws on the gate for attention and they are still learning to pause and wait for permission to go through a door, they are getting better with that too already.
Sharing a bone
Isn't he just too cute
I had made this little platform for the puppies so they could sit on it, never occured to me that they would crawl under it, but for now crawling under it is just as popular as being on top, that will change of course as they get bigger
Today was a nice warm day and a perfect opportunity to bring the tunnel out that Cheri has given me, the tunnel was a popular item with the puppies all day long
Agility puppies

Blossom meets a chicken, this particular chicken will peck dogs that act nosey on the nose.
Puppies meeting the chickens at the fence.
They are already skilled diggers, for anybody who doesn't want their landscaping changed by their Anatolian, it is a good idea to build a dig pit.

Prince thought the tipped over lawnchair was the best spot to take an afternoon nap, he is really a smart little guy. Today I did some more clicker training with all the pups, this really took me all afternoon, because I spent about 15 minutes with each puppy and I had to take breaks because after I had worked with a few of them everybody went back to sleep. Prince really did so well, following me with the leash, this was the first time practicing leash walking, he was so attentive and focused on the learning game, it was really so enjoyable. He was a little bit too interested in the chickens at times as I had the chickens milling around as we did the training. I wanted to observe each puppy on its first face to face encounter with my chickens.
Prince thought the tipped over lawnchair was the best spot to take an afternoon nap, he is really a smart little guy. Today I did some more clicker training with all the pups, this really took me all afternoon, because I spent about 15 minutes with each puppy and I had to take breaks because after I had worked with a few of them everybody went back to sleep. Prince really did so well, following me with the leash, this was the first time practicing leash walking, he was so attentive and focused on the learning game, it was really so enjoyable. He was a little bit too interested in the chickens at times as I had the chickens milling around as we did the training. I wanted to observe each puppy on its first face to face encounter with my chickens.