Friday, December 28, 2007

15 Days,

Grizzly playing with blue boy and Cici. I also noticed today that he tried to get his mom to play with him, he is the only one so far that I have seen trying to initiate play with his mother, she didn't act playful with him, I wonder if she even noticed what he was doing, he is so little and he was messing with her neck, I think she didn't realize what he was doing. Several puppies also got playful with me, they come up and want to interact.

blue boy on left and Cici on the right, these two pretty much have the same coloring

Samantha sniffing the air

Grizzly and Dottie playing

Grizzly playing

puppies use their paws and their mouths in play now

puppies playing

girls hanging out together

starting to wrestle

puppies mouthing each other

puppy play

I think Panda is looking for an occupation as couch guardian,

Pink girl is now Tinka, she seems to have a very sweet personality, she comes to me and wants to cuddle, really seems to enjoy it, she also acts playful with me. a

I love the name Tinka. Indy was going to be Indy or Tinka. Sometimes I wish I would've picked Tinka because Indy is a boy name.
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