Monday, October 22, 2007
Isn't he just too cute,

Kobi is just such a fun little dog. He always makes me laugh with all his antics. I bought him a few more toys and he gets so wound up playing with them all by himself. I got this tennis ball on a rope and he shakes it so wildly, I would feel bad for any critter he would do that to. Luckily he hasn't gotten a hold of any of my chickens, though a couple times they got over the fence and if I hadn't been there Kobi would have gotten them eventually I think.
Kobi is just as dedicated to guard our place as my Anatolians are. Oftentimes when I come home he is sitting under a tree keeping an eye on the road.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Fall is here and first snow
Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of what happened when Ayla walked into the crate, Maya came up from behind and shoved Ayla all the way into the crate, now on this picture her hackles are up and she is contemplating what to do next. She is so feisty
Leydi and Midget getting to know each other. Midget has settled in nicely. She is very sweet with little Moqui. The two of them play together and Midget is very gentle when they play head butting.
Midget making a funny face. I am so amazed at what great pets goats really are. When it is time for milking and I let them out both Maya and Midget know it's time to go on the milk stand. And if I don't come right away to put their grains in the bowl they come running for me and go "baaaaaah" and run back to the milk stand. They all love to be brushed and petted.
Midget standing on the crate. I will build some play area for the goats soon. I had all the half doors on my barn replaced with full doors. Now I have all those doors sitting here and I think they will make a great playground and mini decks for the goats.
Tobi is as inquisitive as she has always been. When I trim the goats' hooves Tobi was the first one to figure out that hoof trimmings are edible, so now she always hangs around the goats when I have them on the milk stand in the hope there will be more hoof trimmings, she even pecks at their hooves sometimes.
Moqui with a mouthful of hay
When it rained here a couple weeks ago we woke up to the first snow on Mt. Charleston. Isn't it just beautiful.
Millie, she has such a beautiful winter coat already, she is all plush and soft.
Ayla is getting ready to go into the crate