Monday, September 03, 2007
Life on the "farm"

we had some really pretty "fluffy" clouds today
this is our new milk stand, I got it from the lady who sold me my goats, her neighbor actually made it for her, it will be put to good use
Here I am milking Maya, I started last Monday initially only in the evenings, since Sunday I am milking her twice daily and today I got 2/3 of a cup each time.
When I let her out of the pen she runs straight for the milk stand and hops up on it, and starts munching her treats. I am really starting to get the hang of the milking technique. Her milk is really creamy, it tastes more like cream than milk. I am sure there is a trick to separate some of the butterfat from the milk and safe for my coffee. When I get my straining filter I will start using her milk for my coffee instead of the half and half. I am currently also making Kefir, it is so simple, thanks to Ann in Amargosa who got some Kefir fungus from a nice lady in Idaho, I have the fungus, I drop it into some raw milk in the afternoon and let it sit on the counter, in about 18 hours it has the consistency I like and I put it in the refrigerator. Later in the evening I fish out the fungus grains, stir everything and enjoy.

we had some really pretty "fluffy" clouds today