Thursday, July 12, 2007
Goat Encounter,
The youngsters Milli and Moqui
Moqui is only 3 months old. Since yesterday she seems to have decided that I can be trusted and she lets me pet her and seems to enjoy the attention. 

Today she was much better than the first time when she had a hard time controlling her curiosity about these new critters, which resulted in them running awy from her a few times. Today she was holding herself back very appropriately, so she is learning how the goats respond to her behavior and she is adjusting her approach accordingly. I was so proud of her when the goats were running and jumping all of a sudden and Leydi did not even get up - what a girl. 
Ayla making herself as small as she can. I think in a few more days the goats will realize the Anatolians are not going to hurt them and they will all get along great. 
Maya is watching Ayla who is in alert mode. I have noticed that the goats seem to know that barking dogs means something is up. They all run and look what the dogs are barking at. Very interesting.
it's been 5 days since our goats have arrived here and both of my Anatolians are doing great with them. Leydi has never seen a goat up close before, she is quite fascinated with them and she will sit next to their pen watching them.
Ayla had been around goats for about 2 weeks when she was a puppy, when ours arrived last Saturday and she saw them she made her happy face and her tail was wagging in anticipation of meeting them. I can tell she would love to get closer and make friends with them, but she will have to be patient and wait until the goats really learn to trust her. But it is nice to see how Ayla tries really hard to be non-threatening with them, if she walks up to them and they all start looking at her alarmed, she just changes direction and goes somewhere else, she moves slowly around them and when Maya head butted her because Ayla got a little too close, Ayla acted very apologetic/submissive. I am so proud of my girls. I am also proud of my curagious doe Maya, who head-butts a dog that stands a lot taller than she is, because the young and inexperienced dog got a little too nosey.
Maya is watching Ayla who is in alert mode. I have noticed that the goats seem to know that barking dogs means something is up. They all run and look what the dogs are barking at. Very interesting.