Sunday, June 24, 2007
Ayla in the chicken coop,
checking out what the water in the coop tastes like
Trying to figure out what the chicks are searching for when they are scratching around in the hay, I think Ayla even tasted the hay, just to make sure she wasn't missing anything, Lucy is watching what the "big chicken" is doing
Lucy went up to Ayla and started pecking at her feet
Ayla very appropriately turns her head away
And then watches on as Lucy stops pecking
Lucy and Ayla eye to eye as Ayla finished cleaning out the chicks breakfast bowl.
Lucy and Bella look quite dismayed as they see their breakfast being stolen by the "big chicken"
Ayla watched the chicks eat from the bowl first, and as soon as they left, she dove into their food as seen in the above pictures
after all the checking out of the coop, eating chicken food, getting pecked and stared on, Ayla stretched out to take a nap. She didn't want to leave the coop, but I don't trust her yet to be there unsupervised. She even tried to squeeze into the chicken house through the chicken entrance - silly dog. She is truly amazing to watch with these chicks.
Shared Duties,
when I came back from walking Ayla and Nanuk I found Leydi and Kobi on top of the hill near the fence keeping an eye on the happenings across the street.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Summer is here,
Ayla taking a nap
Zazou going for a walk in the park, it requires quite some patience to take him for walks, he does not appear to have a concept of going for a walk with a human, we have had him for two years, we thought he was ten or older when we got him, it's not likely he is going to change his ways. Occasionally he will cooperate and follow me, but most of the time he is all over the place pulling in every direction.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Saturday, June 02, 2007
About fetching the newspaper,

Ayla is 21 months old now. As I wrote in a previous post, she taught herself to fetch the newspaper. Since I thought it was such a neat trick, I always made sure to give her a treat when she did, so for several months she would go and fetch the paper twice a week and get rewarded for it. Then one day when she was about 16 months old, the behavior just disappeared, she would go out and run up to the paper on the ground and didn't seem to remember what to do with it. I thought it was rather interesting. So for about 3 months she didn't bother with the paper anymore at all, then all of a sudden one day as we came back from our walk (she used to fetch the paper prior to our walks), I opened the gate and she ran over to the paper and brought it to me as in "hey, you forgot the paper, here it is". I gave her a treat and for the last two months that's what she did, she brought the paper in after we were done with our walk. Each time I gave her a treat. Then last week, she changed her pattern again, and now she fetches it again when I first open the gate to take the dogs for a walk. What will she think of next?
Ayla is 21 months old now. As I wrote in a previous post, she taught herself to fetch the newspaper. Since I thought it was such a neat trick, I always made sure to give her a treat when she did, so for several months she would go and fetch the paper twice a week and get rewarded for it. Then one day when she was about 16 months old, the behavior just disappeared, she would go out and run up to the paper on the ground and didn't seem to remember what to do with it. I thought it was rather interesting. So for about 3 months she didn't bother with the paper anymore at all, then all of a sudden one day as we came back from our walk (she used to fetch the paper prior to our walks), I opened the gate and she ran over to the paper and brought it to me as in "hey, you forgot the paper, here it is". I gave her a treat and for the last two months that's what she did, she brought the paper in after we were done with our walk. Each time I gave her a treat. Then last week, she changed her pattern again, and now she fetches it again when I first open the gate to take the dogs for a walk. What will she think of next?
Something on the Horizon,
Now Nanuk joins her barking at the UPS truck that is delivering something to a house down the street, note Ayla in the background, she doesn't even bother getting up for this one.
Leydi on alert, keeping an eye on the UPS truck.
Done, the truck is leaving.
Time to relax, Nanuk goes on to scratch himself.
Leydi never misses the UPS truck, he can be several streets away, if she sees the brown truck anywhere, she goes on alert.
She starts barking when she sees him come closer.
Is he really leaving? Leydi is still keeping an eye on the brown truck.