Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wendy is back,
Leydi and Ayla love to get some attention
Wendy checking out Ayla
Wendy checking out Leydi, note the rawhide bone, Wendy found lots of rawhides and beef bones this afternoon, nobody paid any particular attention to those treasures, everybody took turns chewing on something every once in a while, but it seemed they had better things to do.
Wendy and Kobi played for a long time, what can I say, typical terrier, almost endless energy.

Wendy, the little Airedale puppy came to visit again today, she is 5 months old and what a fun afternoon it was. 
Wendy had a blast having the big dogs chase her around.
Ayla and Leydi took to observing for much of the time. Interestingly, Leydi kept an eye on the gate that leads to the chicken coop. Anytime our two visitors headed over to the gate by themselves, she sprinted over there and wouldn't let them hang out there. Gotta love those livestock guardian dogs, they sure know what their job is.