Ayla and the chicks,

Ayla has been very calm and gentle when meeting our chicks, since it has been rather hot lately, we haven't spent a lot of time outside, just once a day I try to work for a little bit with each dog on being close to the chicks, otherwise they can see them through a double fence from a few feet away to make sure the chicks remain safe.

picture of Sophie both below and above, she is by far the biggest chick and she is having her feathers growing in around the ears and neck, it looks pretty cute.

The chicks are very much unconcerned about Ayla's presence, and I am glad that so far none of them have decided to hop on her to check her out, since she is still new to this.

Miss Lucy, she is the same breed as Sophie, but they look very different.

Bianca and Buffy hanging out

Ayla checking out Pearl
// posted by ZaltanaAnatolians @
10:21 PM