Dogs on the big hill:
I finally managed to get some good shots of Leydi sitting on top of the big dirt hill on our property. Unfortunately she had a little piece of dried grass or something stuck to her mouth that I didn't notice until I looked at the pictures.
I was just shooting away and while I did that I noticed that she closes her eyes most of the time when she hears the shutter of the camera. So that's how I end up with her eyes closed on my pictures so often. There was all kinds of activity in the neighborhood while I took pics of her, so I got a lot of shots of her looking alert.
Ayla watched from the distance for a while, but then she must have felt I paid too much attention to Leydi and she walked right in front of me, as if to say "time to take a picture of ME".
I told her to go and sit next to Leydi so I could get a picture of them together. So she marched right up there and plopped herself into position. She always amazes me, how did she do exactly what I said? S
o I took a few more shots with the two of them sitting together. Ayla is 17 months old now. One can see that she is starting to catch up with Leydi in size now.
// posted by ZaltanaAnatolians @
9:11 PM