Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The new Hills,
as part of the lot improvement I got a delivery of wood chips yesterday, I asked for the truck to spread out the load into two piles. As soon as he had left I let the dogs out, oh my, one would think they had never seen a pile of something soft in their whole life. They were all racing around and up and down the two little hills, rolling around and playing. So I guess the wood chips are a success, but unfortunately I will have to spread the wood chips around, so the hills will be gone shortly. Now of course since the dogs had so much fun with this, I am thinking about getting a load of some sort of heavy sand or pea gravel gravel for them just for the fun of it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

3 Dogs at play,
I should mention on the indoor pictures that we have a very dusty environment. If one mops the linoleum floors, it takes less than a day to undo the cleaning job if dogs and/or people come through. Something I will probably never get used to, but unless I want to mop twice a day to give the house a clean appearance, the floors will look like they do on most of my pictures.
Sooooo, the dogs were playing while I was on the computer and when I turned around I saw Ayla with the blanket in her mouth walking around Leydi. It just happened that she ended up draping the blanket around Leydi who looked quite puzzled at first about the blanket all over her. Too bad I didn't catch Ayla with the camera as she was doing it. Leydi didn't seem to mind the blanket and actually tried to take a nap. The peace and quiet didn't last long and they all exchanged some friendly words, they actually had quite a conversation going. In the end the girls went back to napping and it was quiet again. These 3 really suit each other well, the Anatolian girls adore the little guy and really enjoy playing with him, and he loves to get wild and act like a little maniac. Every Anatolian should have a terrier to keep them entertained.

Friday, January 12, 2007

A new toy,
okay, this is how I spent my "Christmas Money". I bought some new toys for the furry children. This new rope toy was an instant hit. It was already dark when the FedEx truck arrived. I knew if I wanted to take some picture of the toy while it looked still new I better hurry. In a few days it will have the same dusty color as the rest of the toys. So all the night picture show the initial excitement with everybody wanting to claim the toy for themselves. It ended up being quite a tug-party, with lots of running off with the toy and trying to find a place to chew on it.


Today the games continued

Our New Year's walk,
our walk on New Year's day took us to a dry lakebed. These dry lakebeds are usually quite visible from a distance as they are very barren, no plants growing there, I am assuming that the ground is too salty for anything to grow as often after a rain those dry lakebeds are white after they dry out again. Nanuk thought the loose soil was good enough for a good roll, he prefers snow, but some soft dirt will do too. Ayla didn't seem to care one way or the other it was very windy and she wasn't very cooperative with my idea of taking some pictures.

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