Sunday, November 26, 2006

As we are getting ready for Leydi's first litter, I built a dog house out of 16 straw bales and some lumber, the roof measures 8 x8 feet, I wasn't even finished building it, and Leydi moved in, didn't even bother her that we were still hammering in the nails for the roof, she claimed the house as hers. She has been sleeping in it day and night since last weekend when we put it up. She has a doggie door to come inside the house, and a nice soft doggie bed too, but she prefers her new house. I guess she just likes to have a place of her own. Little does she know that she will soon need to share again with her offspring (well, we think she is pregnant).

The youngsters Kobi and Ayla think the new big dog house is a great place for their chase and wrestle games. These two have me in tears with their antics every day.

The dog yard with the big dog house will be the puppy yard. Recently I found a igloo dog house at a yard sale, it's a bit small, but I think it will be great for the puppies. I set it up in it's own little yard inside the dog yard, the area is filled with pine shavings.

I was curious to see if Ayla would try to go in, and sure enough, yesterday I saw her going in, unfortunately I was too far away and didn'thave the camera on me. But today I was prepared and I got some good shots of her squeezing herself in. Actually once she is inside there is enough room for her to be comfortable, it's just the entrance that is rather low.

Leydi isn't in the pictures today, she sat back and watched all the action from the straw bale platform outside the dog yard. Later she went to investigate the igloo, I am curious to see if she will try to get in too, it's probably too small for her, but knowing Anatolians, I wouldn't be surprised if she found a way to crawl inside.

Ayla has also started to dig a tunnel for the puppies, I guess she is making sure that they will be properly introduced to the art of landscaping and digging tunnels to Turkey, just in case they want to visit their relatives there.
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Lots of fun ideas for dog houses!
Ayla is hilarious. These big dogs fitting into small places can be amazing. :)
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Ayla is hilarious. These big dogs fitting into small places can be amazing. :)
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