Sunday, October 22, 2006
Here comes Trouble 
Ayla is still wearing the battle scars from her recent lesson about respect. So far, the first lesson has not left an impression on her, neither have time outs or stern reminders to chill out. She is a very headstrong teenager when it comes to keeping the adult dogs on her toes. On the other hand she is incredibly sweet with us, always looking to share some affection.
She and Kobi the terrier continue to be great buddies. On the first picture she can be seen coming around the corner, clearly looking for mischief. Kobi had been sleeping peacefully on the couch, but when Ayla came up to see if he was up for some playtime he immediately went into play mode. He is very funny about it, he flings himself on his back and wiggles like a worm daring anybody to make a move.
So they got started playing, Kobi stays on the couch to give him a little bit more height, and Ayla is thinking about how she can get the little man to come off the couch. 
And there she goes, pulling on the sheet in the hope that she can pull him off.
But he already knows her tricks since she has tried that before, so he just moves a little to stay on the couch, so Ayla keeps messing with the sheet, maybe she was hoping that if she appears to be interested in the sheet, he will come down and they could have a game of tug. Well, he didn't buy into it this time, so "Trouble" had to look for something else to entertain herself with.

Ayla is still wearing the battle scars from her recent lesson about respect. So far, the first lesson has not left an impression on her, neither have time outs or stern reminders to chill out. She is a very headstrong teenager when it comes to keeping the adult dogs on her toes. On the other hand she is incredibly sweet with us, always looking to share some affection.

She and Kobi the terrier continue to be great buddies. On the first picture she can be seen coming around the corner, clearly looking for mischief. Kobi had been sleeping peacefully on the couch, but when Ayla came up to see if he was up for some playtime he immediately went into play mode. He is very funny about it, he flings himself on his back and wiggles like a worm daring anybody to make a move.

And there she goes, pulling on the sheet in the hope that she can pull him off.

But he already knows her tricks since she has tried that before, so he just moves a little to stay on the couch, so Ayla keeps messing with the sheet, maybe she was hoping that if she appears to be interested in the sheet, he will come down and they could have a game of tug. Well, he didn't buy into it this time, so "Trouble" had to look for something else to entertain herself with.