Thursday, September 14, 2006

I thought I just put up a few pictures of what my dogs have been up to this afternoon. Starting with the girls Ayla and Leydi. Kobi the Jack Russell Terrier loves to be the center of attention. His newest game is to keep both of the girls off the couch while they take turns being "attacked" by him. The picture shows him in his favorite pose to get them to dare him.
After they were finished wrestling

they figured why not wrestle some more. Ayla usually throws herself on the ground so she and Kobi can play safely, he doesn't seem to be concerned about his size, but it seems that all my big dogs realize that they are much bigger and they don't want to hurt him.

Even Nanuk, who to my knowledge had not been around small dogs before, seems to be amused by the little fireball. This morning Nanuk offered lots of playbows to Kobi who seemed a bit confused about the intentions. Kobi loves to hang out with Nanuk, it's really comical to see them run together if something needs to be checked out at the fence.

The girls still weren't tired. Leydi thought that maybe Ayla was interested in a game of chase. Now one never has to ask Ayla twice to stretch her legs and do an imitation of a greyhound. She loves to run, whether it's her chasing Leydi or the other way around doesn't seem to matter, they are taking turns in who is getting chased. When they get going all bets are off.

One day they ran Nanuk over much to his surprise.

In the end everybody settled down to enjoy a colorful sunset.