More visitors Today my friend Cheri came out from Las Vegas to visit. First we took Nanuk for a walk together with her dogs. Nanuk loves Cheri, she was one of the first people he met when he came to us. When we all go on walks or trips together he is just so happy and excited. When we came back it was time for all the doggies to meet. Ayla had met everybody before, so she was very happy to see them again. She was her usual happy and social self. Cheri and her dogs hadn't met my
newest addition Leydi yet. So first I let Leydi meet Cheri without her dogs. Leydi loves to meet people, so was very happy to get some treats and attention. I always love to see my dogs going from alert mode and barking at the strange car to happily meeting visitors and their (well behaved) dogs. The first two pictures show Leydi with Zipper a Jack Russell Terrier. She was very excited to have a chance to hang out with another small dog and Zipper was only too happy to meet her as well. Then it was time to meet Keira, a German Shepherd Dog. Keira is good friends with my Pyr Nanuk, we have been on many hikes and trips together, so those two were excited to see each other.

Leydi and Keira got along just fine. Keira loves to play very rough, so it will be exciting to let those two play sometimes when it isn't so hot. I am very proud of all my dogs. My two Anatolians are great ambassadors for their breed. Being nice to welcome guests is part of that.
// posted by ZaltanaAnatolians @
10:10 PM