Saturday, August 12, 2006

Michael came and has actually already left and I hadn't created a blog entry about him. Most of the time when he was out and about on our property he was really too busy chasing lizzards to pay much attention to my dogs. He played a little with the girls and pretty much ignored the boys. My dogs taught him that guarding the property was a priority and when the two weeks that he stayed with us came to an end, he knew when the pack had to work together to bark at the occasional motorcycle or car going by.

Some of the pictures show him on the lookout for lizzards. He dug a few holes trying to get them to come out from their hiding places. I don't think he caught any, which didn't seem to matter to him, he never got tired of stalking them.

When Michael arrived here he looked like any good city boy, clean and well-groomed. He didn't quite fit in looking like he just stepped out of a grooming parlor.

So he took it upon himself to make himself look more like he belonged here. Here is his recipe for success: get yourself a little bit wet, roll yourself thoroughly in the dirt, shake access dirt off - done.

What do you think about the all new look of Michael? Doesn't he just look like he belongs here? (Tip: click on the last picture for a close up view of the new look)