Saturday, August 19, 2006

Zazou our very elderly Great Pyrenees has been with us for almost a year now. He was found wandering the streets of Las Vegas and nobody came to claim him. So we know nothing about his past. He adores children, so it is very likely that he once was a beloved family pet. The first picture shows him with my friend's daughter. He is just drawn to her whenever she comes to visit.

walked to the front of it and stood there with the wind blowing into his face. He kind of seemed to say "Yeah, we are going for a ride, let's go, I am ready". It really looked like he thought this was a pick-up truck and he was going to go somewhere. Looks like he used to ride along in the back of a pick-up truck. I just hated to disappoint him, this vehicle wasn't going anywhere. Eventually he climbed down.
Zazou is just such a sweet old dog. It's just so hard to understand for me how somebody could abandon a dog that looks at you with such devotion, just wanting to get a little bit of attention.