Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Afternoon happenings 
Kobi my Jack Russell Terrier loves to entice the big dogs to play with him. Here he teases Leydi, one of my Anatolian Shepherd Dogs, with a toy. And he is lucky, she is just as mischievious as he is and so the game is on. It's always interesting to observe the dogs.
Leydi is really mischievious when it comes to other dogs, when she wants to play, she knows how to push their buttons to get them to do SOMETHING other then sleep. It is really easy to get Kobi started. All Leydi has to do is tap him with her paw, or just pretend she is going to touch him with her paw. In return, he acts like he is highly upset and yells "errrrch" while baring his teeth.
Of course that is EXACTLY what Leydi was hoping for, so she continues to pester him with the paw tapping, he will just fling himself at her "grrrrchhhhh" - they think this is just so much fun. As Kobi gets more and more into the play fighting one can see how Leydi is very careful not to step on the little monster as he is bouncing around and getting underfoot.

So she offers him a play bow to calm things down. Kobi is still posturing, he sure doesn't care about that he is so little

Don't they just look like best friends?

Kobi my Jack Russell Terrier loves to entice the big dogs to play with him. Here he teases Leydi, one of my Anatolian Shepherd Dogs, with a toy. And he is lucky, she is just as mischievious as he is and so the game is on. It's always interesting to observe the dogs.

Leydi is really mischievious when it comes to other dogs, when she wants to play, she knows how to push their buttons to get them to do SOMETHING other then sleep. It is really easy to get Kobi started. All Leydi has to do is tap him with her paw, or just pretend she is going to touch him with her paw. In return, he acts like he is highly upset and yells "errrrch" while baring his teeth.

Of course that is EXACTLY what Leydi was hoping for, so she continues to pester him with the paw tapping, he will just fling himself at her "grrrrchhhhh" - they think this is just so much fun. As Kobi gets more and more into the play fighting one can see how Leydi is very careful not to step on the little monster as he is bouncing around and getting underfoot.

So she offers him a play bow to calm things down. Kobi is still posturing, he sure doesn't care about that he is so little

Don't they just look like best friends?

Kobi and Leydi sharing the doggie bed for a nap after their little romp.