Sunday, July 30, 2006

Kobi is my Jack Russell Terrier. One of the many things he does for fun is playing with the garden hose. The first picture shows him actually picking up the end of the hose and having the water spray into his mouth, makes me wonder what he is thinkin

He just goes wild when I bring out the hose to water my plants. He bites at the water, he bounces back and forth to "attack" it. Thanks to Kobi, watering my 50 or so trees and 30 or more shrubs is really a lot of fun. I also use that time to train him and the other dogs as each plant gets watered there is enough time to practice a trick or two, practice stays, coming when called etc., I multitask even when I water my plants.
But otherwise it would be really boring to stand there and wait for each plant to get its share of water.