Happenings from 2 weeks ago,
I took a lot of pictures a couple weeks ago but haven't had time to post them, so here they are,

Cici always finds some special places to sit, I got a weight on Cici a few weeks ago, she was 2 years old in December, her weight is 98 lbs now, I was really surprised as she is kind of smallish, she must have heavy bones and she is all muscle

here is the crate with the blanket all spread out.

here is the same blanket in the morning after Cici slept in there, I guess she wanted a pillow for her head, she did a great job with it. By the way, some of the dogs sleep in crates, but I don't tell them to sleep there and I don't close the doors to the crates, they just like a secure place

Nanuk hanging out in the kitchen with me, he will be 9 years old soon, I noticed he slowed down a bit, so for the last 2 months I have given him fish oil capsules, Vit E, MSM and glucosamine/chondroitin regularly and fairly high doses. He now initiates playing with Enya and recently he is even agreeable to play with Teddy. Nanuk weighs around 110 lbs, Teddy now weighs 125 lbs and is a little over 2 years old. Enya weight 116 lbs a few weeks ago. She is a big girl.

This was a rare moment, Sam, Leydi and Prince were all sitting on the blanket together, just before I took the picture Prince was actually sitting in the same pose as his mother and sister. He weighed 119 lbs this week.

Another one of Cici's favorite places to sit.

Ayla and Prince, Ayla's ears are in "happy" position. Prince wasn't so sure about this sudden friendliness of Ayla, she usually bullies him around.

Everybody is howling when the firetruck drives around with the sirens on.

I am almost done re-painting all the animal houses. I was really lucky this time with my choice of color, this color is absolutely perfect and when we get around to paint our house and the garage this will be the color to use. So maybe one day all our building will be the same color

Another one of the dog houses. Nanuk likes to sit in this one when it rains, he prefers the dog house over sitting in the house.

and there is Cici again, why sit on the dog bed if she can sit on the cubes she seems to think. I have even found her sitting on one of those chairs one time.

About 2 weeks ago I woke up to clouds that looked like it would snow, well, not long after I let the chickens out it started snowing

And it just kept snowing, here is Prince with a few snow flakes on his head

And it continued to snow, the dogs thought this was really starting to be fun

Here are Teddy and Enya with snow flakes on their fur

And the snow just kept coming until everything was covered with a thick layer of heavy snow. The temperature never went below the freezing point, so I knew the snow wouldn't last too long

Ayla and Cici had great fun romping in the snow

Nanuk felt right at home, he grew up in Vermont and when he sees snow he acts like a little puppy

that day I spoke to somebody who has lived here for over 20 years, he said he had never seen so much snow here. , one can see in this picture that Nanuk's paws are well covered with snow.

Lot's of excitement for Nanuk

Ayla and Cici

The sky was really wintery and everything was covered with snow, in the forground one can see that the areas with the rocks the snow started melting pretty quickly because it wasn't really cold enough for the snow.